26 TikTok Hooks To Grab Your Dream Customers Attention

tiktok Oct 15, 2022

So you’re trying to hook your dream customers on TikTok!? Try using these scripts to instantly grab their attention!

Here are 26 TikTok hooks to grab your dream customer's attention:

  1. Are you a ______ who wants to ______ your ______?
  2. If you've been trying to ______ then you're gonna want to hear this...
  3. There's NO  way you've seen this before...
  4. If you're a ______ trying to ______ then your mind is about to explode.
  5. I bet you didn't know that you're ______ wrong.
  6. If you want to change your ______ then you need to start ______.
  7. If you've been trying to ______ then this is going to change your life.
  8. Are you ______ and want to ______?
  9. If you've ever wondered about ______, then this is for you...
  10. This is the ultimate tip for  ______.
  11. I've created the best ______ for people who are trying to ______.
  12. My three easiest ways to ______ are:
  13. Here's exactly what you're doing wrong if you've been trying to ______:
  14. I ______ in ______ and this is exactly how I did it.
  15. Want to ______? Here's how...
  16. If you're doing ______  then you're making a MASSIVE mistake.
  17. Try this ONE thing to get ______.
  18. If you haven't started ______ then you're going to regret this.
  19. 5 Tips to ______.
  20. Everything you think you know about ______ is wrong.
  21. This is going to be controversial buuuut ______.
  22. Idk why nobody is talking about this...
  23. Don't make these mistakes when it comes to ______.
  24. The worst ______ advice I've ever heard was ______.
  25. Unpopular opinion!
  26. Is it just me or ______.


Need help figuring out exactly what kinds of content to use to fill in those blanks!?

Check out my 115 Plug-And-Play TikTok Scripts To Get More Views!! You’ll get instant access to pre-written script examples for both Product-Based Businesses AND Service-Based Businesses — so you’ll know exactly how to use the scripts with your own business!