5 Tips To Get Your Website On The First Page Of Google & Boost SEO

seo Oct 27, 2022

Let’s talk SEO...

(And let's start by defining the two different types of it.)

On-Page SEO and Off-Page SEO.

On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO is the part of SEO that actually exists on your website. It allows search engines to understand what your site is actually about and how easy it is for viewers to consume that information.

This includes things like:

  • The Website Copy

    • Use Of Keywords

    • Headers

    • Title Tags

    • Meta Descriptions

    • URL

    • Alt Text

  • The Website Format & Design

    • Website's Load Speed

    • Mobile Friendliness

    • Internal Linking

    • Navigation

    • Site Health

Off-Page SEO

Off-Page SEO is the part of SEO that proves your website has authority on the internet. It's sort of like a strategy you implement to make your site look legit. This is how search engines determine if you’re actually a legit resource or not for the content you’re trying to rank for. 

Among other things you could do to increase Off-Page SEO, the real MVP here is simple:

  • The Use Of Healthy Backlinks

Achieving good On-Page SEO AND good Off-Page SEO is the key to showing up on the first page of Google and you should always prioritize both SEO strategies together. To explain it in a way that hopefully makes sense...

Think of a new restaurant opening. 

On-Page SEO is what's happening within the restaurant itself. The Michelin Star chef. The fully-trained wait staff. The local ingredients. The ambiance. The high-quality wine. It's perfect. It has superior "On-Page SEO".

Now picture this: Their Off-Page SEO is NOT good. What's happening to get people INTO the restaurant hasn't been prioritized at all. No interviews with local reporters. No social media presence. No word of mouth. No posters anywhere. 

Nobody is coming to this Michelin Star restaurant. Even though their On-Page SEO is out of this world. Because nobody KNOWS about it, so nobody is telling the New York Times Food Writer to go review it — and nobody is telling Google that your website is "important" enough to be indexed and added into their database.

Make sense!?

Now that I've exhausted my daily allotment of poorly constructed analogies, here are my tips to make BOTH On-Page SEO AND Off-Page SEO easy to achieve on your own website:

1. You NEED to start with keyword research!

Keyword research is the process of understanding what specific phrases, terms, and words your target market is searching on search engines like Google.

It allows you to know what to write in your website copy (the words on your website), throughout your blogs, and in things like your website's title tags, meta descriptions, and url's.

For example, if you were a massage therapist in Seattle, your keyword research might turn up with phrases like 'best massage therapist' or 'massage in Seattle'. And those are the keywords you would want to try and rank for on your website. 

To research keywords, you can use free tools like Keyword Sheeter, Word Tracker, or sign up for a free trial for SEM Rush.

2. Implement a strategy to use your keywords EVERYWHERE.

Now that you have the keywords you want to rank for, you need to know how to use them. Make sure you're adding necessary keywords in these specific places:

  • Title Tags

  • Meta Descriptions

  • URLs

  • Alt Text

  • Website Copy

  • Blog Copy

Using your keywords in all of these places essentially helps Google know exactly what your website is about so it can better push it to the people searching those terms.

3. Regularly add quality content to your website. 

You may have noticed that I keep mentioning blogs... 

Blogs are a critical part of SEO. You should consistently be adding high-quality blog content to your website because it positions your site as an authority to the questions that they're asking. It also gives your site more opportunities to rank in search engines for different combinations of keywords.

4. Make sure your website itself (the design, the time it takes to load, how easy it is to read on a mobile device) is optimized and healthy.

One thing Google cares about is the user experience of every website. They want to make sure that each website is as easy as possible to read, scroll through, and navigate. So making sure things like how long it takes for the website to load when visiting a new page and how easy it is to read the text and making sure there's enough contrast between the text and the background are all important factors of SEO too.

5. Generate high-quality backlinks from popular websites.

Most of what I talked about above has been focused on On-Page SEO.

When trying to boost Off-Page SEO, your main focus will be backlinks. When talking about backlinks, you want to focus on other website's on the internet that link BACK to yours. The more backlinks you have on popular websites, the better Off-Page SEO you'll have. It's basically telling Google that you are respected website because all these other respected websites are linking to yours.

Sign up for platforms like HARO to find free places where you can get backlinks!

Interested in learning more about SEO or getting someone to help you get your site on the first page of Google!? Hit me up!