9 TikTok Content Ideas To Grow On TikTok In 2023

tiktok Oct 18, 2022

So you want to REALLY start growing on TikTok in 2023!?

GOOD. Because TikTok is the fastest growing social media platform AND the easiest one to build an audience for your small business.

Here are my 23 ideas to get RIGHT in front of your dream customers on TikTok and build a community of people on the platform who actually wants what you sell!


TikTok Idea If You Have A Physical Space 

Talk about the town you’re in!

Do you have a physical store space and you're trying to attract people to it?

Rather than JUST posting about your space, think about what would come up on the people in your town’s FYP. How can you make them know you even exist first??

  • What's interesting about your town?
  • What's that creepy story behind that one haunted house?
  • Where's that place that one movie was filmed?
  • Where's a secret parking lot nobody knows about?

The easiest way to attract viewers from that town are to talk about the town itself! THEN make them care about you and your store!


TikTok Idea If You Want To Start A Conversation

Create a stitch-worthy video!

Ask a question that relates to your industry OR your dream customer and then say, "I'll go first."

Make it something so people WANT to get involved and add their input. 


Career Coach For Millennials Who Hate Their Job & Boss:

“What's the absolute craziest reason you thought your boss was going to fire you... I'll go first."

Burnout Coach For Female Entrepreneurs:

“Female business owners, tell me what kind of business you run and what mental health diagnosis you’ve gotten after started your business… I'll go first."


TikTok Idea If You Want To Provide Value


Share something you did today that made your life hella easier!

What would make your dream customer’s life BETTER!?

Make it actionable and shocking.

Make it something that they can implement RIGHT NOW and they can feel better about.


Travel Agent For People Who Travel Often:

“I bet you didn't know that you're packing for a flight ALL wrong... Instead of paying for yet another bag, take a pillow case that ZIPS and stuff it with more clothes!!” (Take a video of you filling a pillowcase with clothes and making it look like a pillow.)

Financial Advisor For Single Working Moms Trying To Save Money:

“If you're a single mom trying to save money then your mind is about to explode. I KNOW how many paper towels you're going through everyday. Instead of spending your money on those, go to the dollar store and buy a few packets of wash rags to keep in a basket next to your sink. Then wash them whenever you need to!” (Show a video of your own basket with wash rags.)


TikTok Idea If You're Having A Bad Mental Health Day


Duet a viral video that has to do with your niche or industry!

That’s it. Just duet it.

Either leave it as is or add a little bit of commentary if you’re feeling up to it!


TikTok Idea If You Want To Make Your ICA Laugh

Get a little self deprecating with your audience!

Use this script to make your ICA laugh:

“No [YOUR ICA] has all three:





Baby’s Clothing Brand For New Moms:

“No new mom has all three:

- Something without spit up on it

- Enough sleep

- Uninterrupted intimacy with their partner."


TikTok Idea If You Want To Call Out Your Corporate Competition


Call out what your competition is doing wrong!

(Now I'm not talking like other small biz's tryna make a buck on tiktok…)

I’m talking large-scale sleazy corporations.


Clothing Company For Gen Z:

“Shein was found to have over 18x the allotted amount of lead in their clothing and nobody is talking about it…”

Apothecary For People Who Want To Use Natural Products:

“One of the primary ingredients in almost every sunscreen brand has been linked to complete organ system toxicity and endocrine disruption and nobody's talking about it…”


TikTok Idea If You Want To Share A Thought-Provoking Perspective


List the red flags in your industry over a trending sound!

Stir up some controversy within your niche. Change someone's perspective of what they THINK they know about the industry. Or introduce a new way of thinking they haven't thought of before.


LGBTQ+ Life Coach For The LGBTQ+ Community:

"5 red flags to look out for in a queer relationship.

- Doesn't date bi girls.

- Doesn't think trans women are women.

- Talking about a future together within the first week of dating.

- Talking about their ex on the first date.

- Doesn't like when you have other friends."


TikTok Idea If You've Gone Viral Recently 

Go back to a video of yours that has the most views and use it to your advantage!

Find a comment that asks a question that you have a super easy answer to.

Then video-reply to it!


TikTok Idea If You're Feeling Lazy AF 

Use Twitter!!!

Scroll through Twitter for inspiration of trending topics or unpopular opinions in your niche or industry. Find one that is relevant to your followers or your dream audience. Either just post the tweet, add a commentary, or find a couple and do a reaction post where you read them all and react with a lot of lol’s.


Learn the in's and out's of how to grow, scale, and sell on TikTok in 2023 with my signature TikTok course Be Seen on TikTok!